Dancing Volunteers
What does it mean to be a dancing volunteer?
Your Role
Your role as a Dancing Volunteer is to:
Build strong relationships with 2 - 3 dancers in the class
Build good relationships with all dancers in the class
Dance alongside the dancers, paying attention to their needs. E.g Do they need an adjustment to a dance move, do they need a drink, are they feeling sick/tired
Assist the teacher with creating a great class atmosphere, e.g encouraging the dancers to be quiet whilst the teacher is talking, cheering and clapping when the class has achieved something.
Assist the teacher with translating the dance moves, e.g showing the dancer the sequence.
Be the eyes of the teacher in the class, let them know if any incidents are occurring that they may not have noticed.
Chat with the dancers at any down times e.g drinks break, before class or after class.
Bring your best good vibes to every class and spread that to the dancers
Bring your funkiest moves to every class and let your inner dancer shine!
Dance Chance Expects the following of our dancing volunteers:
Dancing Volunteers will complete the Dance Chance Induction Course
Dancing Volunteers will have completed their working with children check and submitted it to Dance Chance by their 5th dance chance class.
Dancing Volunteers will attend 50% of Dance Classes each term. 15/30 per annum.
Dancing Volunteers commit to attendance for at least one year.
Dancing Volunteers will notify Dance Chance of the classes they can attend at the beginning of each term. They will advise Dance Chance with at least two days notice if this will change
Dancing Volunteers will arrive 10 minutes before class starts to greet dancers.
Dancing Volunteers will notify their Volunteer Contact of any incidents that occur.
Dancing volunteers can expect the following of Dance Chance:
Dance Chance will provide you with all the information you need to complete your induction.
Dance Chance will provide you with a buddy for your first term of class
Dance Chance will advise you of any relevant information that will help you work our dancers
Dance Chance will communicate with you on a weekly basis to keep you in the loop!
Dance Chance will provide you with additional training and support if required
Dance Chance will recognise your involvement at the End of Year Celebration.
The Application Process

As a Dancing Volunteer you're an integral part of creating the Dance Chance magic. The energy you bring to class sets the tone for the whole group so it's important that you use Dance Chance as an opportunity to shake off any of the challenges of the week and dance your way to a happy place!
Step 1
All our dancing volunteers are required to complete a quick 10 minute application process, helping us to get to know you a little better and learning more about your motivations for volunteering.

Step 2
All applicants will participate in a short 10 minute phone interview. We'll run you through our expecations for volunteers, learn more about what you want to get out of the experience and answer any questions you may have.
Step 3
If successsful, you will start an induction process which consists of:
A short online training course
A trial class(to double check if Dance Chance is right for you)
Completion of a NSW Working with Children Clearance Form.